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.::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

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  • .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

    Hola les dejo un informe que encontre por ahi... del 14 de junio del 2007

    alguien localizó este vehículo, quizás el más caro de la era de los muscle-cars americanos. Un Shelby Daytona Coupé GT, precisamente el prototipo con el número de serie CSX2287 de solamente 6 unidades construídas. El coche no será restaurado y se conservará en el estado en que se encontró. ¿Su valor? Fué adquirido en 4 millones de los billetes verdes y creo que el actual propietario especulará por más dinero antes de deshacerse de él. Una injusticia que una de las joyas de la historia esté en este estado de conservación por mera especulación.

    La máquina: un 4.7 V8 con compresión 10:1, 385 bhp y una máxima estimada en 306 km/h.

    [img width=700 height=466][/img]

    [img width=700 height=525][/img]

    encontre mas info pero esta en ingles... pero es muy interesante.

    [img width=700 height=525][/img]

    I think it is the strangest automotive story I have ever heard. I’ll try to lay it out for you.

    Back in 1964 Carol Shelby was tearing up the tracks in the US with his Cobra roadsters. Nothing had a chance. But on the European tracks with longer straights it was a different story. The roadster aerodynamics limited its top speed and the Ferrari’s would clean their clocks. In 1965 Shelby was intent on winning against Ferrari. Because Ferrari was allowed to enter a special version of their road car it opened the door for Carol Shelby to do the same. Fortunately he had Pete Brock on his payroll and Pete had studied aerodynamic texts that the Germans had put together from years of research. Pete also had a great eye for form and with the help of the Shelby crew they designed the Cobra Coupe. It was fantastic and the chassis number of the first one was CSX2287. Six were made in all.

    The design was so perfect it allowed Shelby to win against Ferrari, but Ford was intent on LeMans and wanted Shelby to devote his shop to the GT40. This left CSX2287 to get cleaned up and used on the public relations Cobra Caravan. It even spent some time on the Bonneville Salt Flats with Craig Breedlove and Bobby Tatroe setting 23 international and national speed records.

    Then it dissapeared. It would take thirty years to turn up again.

    Since Ford wanted Shelby to concentrate on the GT40, Carol put the coupes up for sale. The most he could get for any of them was about $4000 without engines and transmissoins. CSX2287 was sold first to Oscar Koveleski of Autoworld fame and then to Jim Russellof Russkit slot cars who converted it to street use (sort of) and sold it to none other than Phil Spector. Phil accumulated a lot of speeding tickets and also found the race car did not convert that well to the street, often becoming unbearably hot. Phil took it to a shop to see about further converting it to street use, but the mechanic told him it would cost tons of money and offered to scrap it for him for $800.

    Now here is where the story gets a little screwy. Some say that Phil sold it to his body guard for $1000 in 1971. The body guard, George Brand, then gave it to his daughter, Donna O’Hara, who stashed the car and wouldn’t tell anyone where it was or even admit that she had it.

    Donna got divorced in 1982 and she retained control of the car. In the last couple of years Robert Lavoie, an attorney representing Kurt Goss a childhood friend of donna’s, tried several times to buy it for half a million dollars, but she refused.

    On October 22, 2000, Donna went under a bridge Fulerton, CA, with her rabbits and a couple of bottles of gasoline. She poured the gasoline on herself and lit it off. It took her 15 hours to die and she wouldn’t even tell the police who she was. She just told them to “Shut up”. It took over a month for her to be identified when friends reported her disappearance.

    Goss claimed that she called him five days prior and told him that if anything happened to her he was to take care of her personal belongings. Goss said that she wanted him to have the coupe along with three other cars of hers. When he heard that Donna had died he contacted her mother and paid the outstanding storage charges expecting to remove the coupe. The owner of the storage center would not let Goss remove it without legal authority and Donna had no will.

    Meanwhile Martin Eyears, a rare car dealer from Montecito, tried to close a deal with Donna’s mother to buy it for $3,000,000. Donna’s father suffers from Alzheimer’s disease and can’t help with the questions over ownership. So Martin decides to sell it to a collector on the east coast for $4,000,000.

    Then Phil Spector comes out and says he still owns the car. Phil claims that he neither sold nor gave the car away, and that he asked Brand to put it into storage for him.

    December 8, 2001, the legal battle ends. Kurt Goss has been determined to be the legal owner and Dorthy Brand is to pay him more than $800,000, since she sold the car. After estate and gift taxes Dorthy will end up with nothing according to her lawyer, Milford Dahl. I suspect the lawyer will pocket enough to put a couple of payments on that beach condo he owns in Malibu.

    heee.... si... el precio es 4.000.000U$$

    me hace acordar cuando encontraron a la toro N#1 la bananita.


  • #2
    Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

    nooo que picardia dejarla asi...
    que lindo los 4 IDA


    • #3
      Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

      ahora se de donde copiaron al viper jajaja


      • #4
        Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

        Originally posted by Mauricio
        ahora se de donde copiaron al viper jajaja
        si no me equivoco.. el viper lo diseño shelby


        • #5
          Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

          Originally posted by foxkomodo
          si no me equivoco.. el viper lo diseño shelby
          te creo porque ESTAS IGUALLLLLL


          • #6
            Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

            hermoso. una locura q lo mantengan en ese estado pero bueno. excelente data. lo q si, me dejo espantado un pasaje de la info q esta ingles. la parte en la q la mina se incendio a ella misma...dios.


            • #7
              Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

              Originally posted by foxkomodo
              si no me equivoco.. el viper lo diseño shelby
              Ahora entiendo porque en lugar de tener la cabeza de la cabra tiene la cabeza de la Cobra...


              • #8
                Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                Originally posted by Mauricio
                te creo porque ESTAS IGUALLLLLL
                Originally posted by kolo17
                Ahora entiendo porque en lugar de tener la cabeza de la cabra tiene la cabeza de la Cobra...
                Estilo "Daytona".
                Shelby llegó a un acuerdo con Ford para que suministrase los motores y, poco a poco, fueron apareciendo evoluciones del coche primitivo de 1962. No contento con eso, Shelby creó, poco después, una versión del Cobra, de carrocería cerrada, destinada a participar en competición. Era un verdadero coche de carreras, un auténtico GT (Gran Turismo) que, rápidamente, se hizo con una merecida fama merced a sus buenos resultados. Se le denominó Daytona, y se caracterizó por sus colores: azul con dos rayas blancas o blanco con dos rayas azules.

                Pues bien, en Chrysler habían tomado buena nota de aquella bella página de la historia del automóvil americano, y si al desarrollar el Viper RT-10 eligieron como ejemplo el roadster AC Cobra, después hicieron lo mismo con el Viper GTS, concebido a imagen y semejanza del Cobra Daytona, respetando incluso sus colores. No obstante, Carrol Shelby fue invitado para que asesorase a los hombres de Chrysler encargados del proyecto sobre cómo hacer un coche de características similares al Cobra Daytona.


                • #9
                  Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                  mira vos che,.... era igualito nomas, un hermanito digamos


                  • #10
                    Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                    esta muy lindo , pero xq no lo restauran?


                    • #11
                      Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                      Que bestia!!! Lastima que se encuentre en ese estado pero tambien le debe de dar un valor agregado...

                      Deberia estar como esta...

                      [img width=700 height=525][/img]
                      [img width=700 height=525][/img]
                      [img width=700 height=525][/img]
                      [img width=700 height=525][/img]
                      [img width=700 height=525][/img]

                      El de estas fotos que es el N° 13 fue el que ganó las 24 hs de LeMans de 1965 con Jo Schlesser y Hal Keck al volante. El que ganó la misma carrera pero en 1964 con Dan Gurney y Bob Bondurant al volante se encuentra en el museo de Shelby junto a otro ejemplar.

                      Como vos decis se construyeron solo 6 unidades.
                      Tenian una potencia de 380 hp a 7000 rpm´s y un torque de 462 Nm. Estaban alimentados con 4 carburadores Weber 48 IDM.
                      La caja de velocidades era una Borg-Wagner de 4 marchas, alcanzaba una velocidad max. aproximada de 307 Km/h y una aceleración de 4,4 seg para llegar a los 100 Km/h desde 0.


                      • #12
                        Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                        OK, si lo quiere tener en ese un tema..pero, podria lavarlo no?

                        QUE BESTIA, y que lastima q este asi...


                        • #13
                          Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                          QUE CAÑO POR DIOS ...


                          • #14
                            Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                            que lastima que este haci


                            • #15
                              Re: .::El Misterio del Daytona Coupe::.

                              4 palos?

                              dios mio cuanta ignorancia!!!!!!

