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Audi Quattro Roadster

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  • Audi Quattro Roadster

    It’s amazing what you find in ebay these days; a 1984 Audi Quattro Treser Roadster which is believed to be the only Right Hand Drive to be in existence! According to the information provided by the seller, in all, Treser manufactured 39 units of this unique car. Apart from the foldaway hardtop roof which operates through pressing a switch on the B post (the whole operation takes around 20 seconds) Treser had also fiddled around with the turbocharged in-line 5 pushing output to 250Hp.

    We agree that it’s no beauty but its sure is one hell of a serious head-turner and a part of European Automobile history of the “great-white” 80’s. According (again) to the seller, to buy this car new in 1984 cost a staggering 41144.25 BP -options included. The current bid (27-04) on ebay UK is 7.645 BP (about 15.400 USD or 11.300 EUR).


  • #2
    Re: Audi Quattro Roadster

    no veo la foto pero pinta interesante la info


    • #3
      Re: Audi Quattro Roadster

      No se ven papa!!

