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el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino, electrico y feo ? FARADAY

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  • #16
    Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino y electrico ? el FARADAY

    Originally posted by Proctologo View Post
    el estado de Nevada le da 335 millones en beneficios fiscales para que FARADAY construya una planta de 1.000 millones de dolares.....y le de trabajo a 4.500 personas
    La semana pasada cuando estuve por allá hablando con un Americano me comento que el 8% de la producción no esta rotando, lo cual va a ser algo gravisimo en corto tiempo. Por eso este tipo de incentivo, algo similar están haciendo en Baltimore, hasta le están dando las casas gratis a los inmigrantes que quieran ir a levantar la ciudad.


    • #17
      Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino y electrico ? el FARADAY

      Originally posted by Homero renolero View Post
      200 millas por hora anda un Nascar,de que superdeportivo me hablan????????????

      nascar = auto de carreras no sirve para andar en la calle

      superdeportivo = auto de calle con altas prestaciones , frenos, potencia, ruedas etc etc pero de calle


      • #18
        Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino y electrico ? el FARADAY

        El día que me guste un auto eléctrico va a ser el mismo día en que este cobrando mi primer sueldo por ser travesti


        • #19
          Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino y electrico ? el FARADAY

          Corregí el título por favor
          el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino, electrico y feo ?


          • #20
            Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino y electrico ? el FARADAY

            jajaja ahi lo corrijo


            • #21
              Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino y electrico ? el FARADAY

              Originally posted by Ibiza20v View Post
              Otra mentalidad. Acá le piden 500 millones los politicos para aprobarle el proyecto, 500 millones más los sindicatos para aprobarles un acuerdo sindical especial donde puedan cagar a los trabajadores tranquilamente y luego se dan cuenta que se quedaron sin plata para la planta y se toman el buque jaja.


              • #22
                Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino, electrico y feo ? FARADAY

                Eeeeeeeeel FEORADAY!!.....


                • #23
                  Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino, electrico y feo ? FARADAY

                  Con perdón de Michael...


                  • #24
                    Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino, electrico y feo ? FARADAY

                    Originally posted by Marcefe View Post
                    Con perdón de Michael...
                    Gracias por hacer el chiste que todo "lostie" penso al leer el titulo jajaja.
                    ON: Mejor que nos empiecen a gustar los electricos porque a la larga nos van a poner un enchufe hasta en el orto...


                    • #25
                      Re: el superdeportivo del futuro sera chino, electrico y feo ? FARADAY

                      The FFZERO1 Concept: No, Really, Is Faraday Future for Real?

                      • January 06, 2016

                      Source: Faraday Future
                      In 2014, California-based startup Faraday Future appeared out of nowhere, and while it hasn’t divulged much about what it’s up to yet, it’s certainly swinging for the fences. Located somewhere at the nexus of autonomous cars, EVs, and ride-sharing apps, the deep-pocketed startup wants to reinvent the automotive world as we know it, and be on the road in 2017. Which means it has to finish its billion-dollar plant in Nevada, establish some kind of dealership and parts network (even if it’s a top-down system like Tesla’s) and start building and selling its cars in 23 months and some change.
                      We’ll know a lot more about FF (as company reps prefer to call it) after this week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but on Monday night the company gave the world its first real glimpse into the mysterious company, and the response was, well, not good. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt,” and by the time the wraps came off its first prototype that night, it looked like FF may have removed whatever doubt was left about the company.

                      Vice President and face of the company Nick Sampson said that the FF cars would “change mobility the way Apple changed the cell phone” at the event, and while that may conjure up visions of a sleek, pod-like autonomous city car, it wasn’t. Nor did it look like a Tesla, a Prius, a Leaf, an i3 (though it came from the same designer) or any other practical green car on the market. Instead, the company showed off the non-running, autonomous, electric, 1,000 horsepower, tandem-seated, finned, and Le Mans-inspired FFZERO1 – the exact opposite of a realistic near-production prototype that the world expected from a company that’s hoping to sell their first cars before your next doctor’s check up. And while nobody’s saying the FFZERO1 isn’t a concept worthy of Gran Turismo, it’s called into question the startup’s ability to deliver an actual car, so much so that Sampson had to declare to Business In

